Monday, December 20, 2010

The PROUDEST Parents!!!!!!

Our 'Caring' Bella

After Isabella sang at her Christmas recital, the next day was a school assembly where Isabella received a 'Caring Award' for being the most kind and helpful child in her class. Bella's teacher Ms. Farmer described her as 'caring, generous and helpful'. Pete and I couldn't be more proud of her!! YAY BELLA!!!!

Bellas Christmas Recital

Bella Sings???......

On Thursday, Dec. 16th...I had the opportunity to see my Bella sing her little heart out at the school Christmas recital. Bella was so excited to perform (she loves being on stage). The whole 1st grade class sang a super cute funny version of '12 Days of Christmas' and then accepted a standing ovation!!! I was so proud of her and can't wait until next year to see what she'll sing!! 'Tis the season!!!

Bella getting ready to 'perform'

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

This Thanksgiving was definitely different from the past Thanksgivings that we have had....that is because I was 8 months and 3 weeks pregnant and boy was I feelin it!!! My mom was nice enough to cook this amazing turkey dinner (with all of the fixings), plus this amazing Kahlua cake....YUMMY!!! After dinner we started singing on the good ol' karoake machine....Bella sang "Who let the Dogs out" and then Pete (with Bella as a backup singer) sang "You give Love a BAD NAME" was HILARIOUS!!!! After we all rested our vocals, we played Pictionary and Bella was awesome at this game (no joking!!). All in all we had a nice Thanksgiving and can't wait for next year with our new addition....Olivia!!!

Had to include this picture of me (posing with my sisters)...HUGE huh??!!!! I'm 8 months 3 weeks....YOWZER!!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

USC vs. UCLA 2009

Last year, we randomly had both sides of our families come into town and visit us...which happened to be the same weekend USC plays UCLA (college football). It was super fun and of course USC won (Madelyn's family choice)!!! Since we had such a blast last year, we will be duking it out again this year on December 4th. Meg has recently bought Isabella a UCLA shirt BUT I had purchased a USC shirt (which was bedazzled) for her at the beginning of this we will see which team she will choose!! Can't wait the trash talking to begin....GO USC!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!

Halloween 2010 was great!! It seems as though every year gets better and the older Isabella gets, the more fun we have!!

This Halloween season started by going to the pumpkin patch which Bella had tons of fun picking out pumpkins....and we wound up with 4 pumpkins to represent our family. Then Isabella went to her FIRST boy/girl Halloween party. Pete was not too thrilled about boys being there, until I told him that the boys that were going are only 6 YEARS OLD....then he realized he was over reacting just a bit!! Finally Halloween came and we went to another party, ate tons of food, trick-o-treated, ate candy AND PASSED OUT!!! All in all we had a great time!!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wild Mustang #19

YUP, that's Isabella sporting her Jersey before the game....isn't it the cutest??? Pete almost started tearing up when she put her uniform on. Bella's position is a 'full back' which blocks the block before it reaches the goal. Bella told us that 'blocking the ball is her passion' maybe she got her soccer skills from her Auntie Erin after all. GO BELLA GO!!!

Bella before her second game....which her team won!! They are 2-0, so far!!

Bella watching the goal with her pal Mia, GO WILD MUSTANGS!!!

Skinny Jeans & Twinkle Toes

So I realize that Isabella is getting older and coming into her own little person BUT AT 6 YEARS OLD REALLY???

Now that Fall is here, me and Bella went shopping last week...and this week. When doing this normal task (which I have been doing for the past 6 years) Bella had an opinion on what she wanted to wear and what is COOL, she told me "mommy, I have to have 'skinny jeans' and 'twinkle toe' shoes". Being a person who likes to shop and understands fashion, I didn't think I had to be lectured by my daughter. SOOOO....after much thought and consideration (plus Pete and I can't help but to think of all of the crazy things we made our parents buy us and crazy fashions we wore), I gave 'in' and bought her several skinny jeans and twinkle toe shoes. GOTTA LOVE MY BELLA!!!!

The infamous 'twinkle toe' shoes....

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Labor Day Weekend...

Happy Labor 3 day weekend!! I know it's a little early to post (Sunday) but we are having such a relaxing family weekend, I can't help but to share.....

So our weekend started off with the blooming of our community garden. As I have previously posted that we now have a watermelon/pumpkin garden....well the watermelons are gone (season is over) and we now are enjoying sunflowers and hopefully (by October) we will have pumpkins. The sunflowers are so cute, plus they are as tall as Bella and she loves posing with them.

While we enjoy the sunflowers during the day, at night we have been busy with family gatherings. We went to Visalia to see my aunts and uncles and we had so much fun!! Bella got to play with all of her cousins and boy did they much so, that all of the cousins didn't want dessert (which is Bella's favorite part of any party). So this weekend has been a success.....with good family fun!!!

Pete and me at my Aunt & Uncle's house.....

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Our 1st Grader!!!!

There comes a point as a parent when you look at your child and think to yourself, "when did you start growing up so fast, where did the time go??". Well I have been thinking a lot about this for the past couple of days with Bella getting ready to enter the first grade. Plus with me being pregnant I can't help but to think about the day Bella was born (which seems like yesterday)...TEAR!! Now my sweet baby girl is 6 years old (she thinks she's 16) and is now in the first grade...HOW DID THIS HAPPEN???

So being the trooper that my daughter is, she had no fear of entering first grade. As a matter of fact, Bella has been looking forward to starting school and having lunch/recess with the 'big kids' (1st thru 6th grade). Pete and I on the other hand (more me than Pete) have been worried about Bella having any friends at school or will the big kids start picking on her OR will I have to go to her school and beat up a 6th grader for bullying my kid (I'm kidding about beating up a 6th least I think I'm kidding). Well all of my fears have been thrown out the door because Bella told me "mommy, being a 1st grader rocks and I have friends in the 5th grade!".

So I've learned not only does my child adjust well (even though her mother doesn't), she loves getting older....YIKES!!! Lord help me....

Monday, August 16, 2010

Smith/Finch Family Beach Day!!

Every year Pete's family gets together and has 'family beach day' at Hunington Beach. This is our second year attending and we have had a BLAST (especially Bella)!! This year was extra fun because it seems all of Pete's cousins are having having babies or already have young children, so to see all of the kids interact with each other is just so cute...especially because they only get to see each other once or twice a year.

The day started for us at 10am at the beach and eventually the whole family was at the beach. Everyone was getting reaquainted with one another and simply just enjoying each others company. Bella got to see her cousin Taylor and Peyton (the girls are around the same age), they hit it off quickly and played with each other most of the day. Pete and I were happy to see everyone too and we had so much fun hearing fun stories that have happened this past year. It is always good to see the family!!

I wonder what next year will bring??

Bella wasted no time putting her bathing suit on and playing in the sand!!

Here is Kenny with two 'hot ladies' (Auntie Mart and Meg)

Peyton, Taylor and Bella playing in the water.

p.s. the water was COLD!!!

Pete and Connor!! This pic was taken at Aunt Nancy's house the day before the beach festivities where Aunt Nancy fed us a yummy dinner!! Thank you Aunt Nancy!

Visiting Grandma Janet

Last weekend, we all had the pleasure of visiting and for some of us meeting Grandma Janet for the first time. Isabella was very interested in meeting 'Grandpa Ted's mom' (as she refered to Grandma Janet). So we all headed down to San Diego (Grandpa Ted, Grandma Noony and the Khamis') to Uncle Ed and Aunt Sue's house. It was a wonderful afternoon where the kids got to play and visit with Grandma Janet.

Uncle Ed showing Bella his 'fruit garden'. Bella couldn't get enough of the apples and plums!!

Sweet Connor smiling at Grandma Janet.....I think we got a couple of smiles from Grandma Janet too!

Bella posing with Grandma was a great day!!


Pete and I took Isabella to a sushi dinner (our favorite) but Bella was more interested in learning how to pick up food with chopsticks! The whole evening she practiced and when she finally picked up giner, it was as though she won a gold medal!! This is why I had to share Bella being able to use chopsticks....isn't she the sweetest???

Bella consentrating VERY hard and intensely....boy, was she determined!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

It's a Baby......

Well the big day has come and we finally found out the sex of our baby....IT'S A GIRL!!! Bella had the pleasure of joining us in the ultrasound room and when the tech announced it was a girl, we were all happy and shocked!! Of course, I started crying (I'm very emotional these days) and Bella said "Daddy, thank you for giving me a sister" now Pete will be surrounded by girls!! Yay...GIRL POWER!!!

Sleeping Twins....

For several weeks now, Bella likes to wear 'daddys' shirts around the house and especially for bedtime!! So the other night I was begging Bella to go to bed (usual routine)....Pete on the other hand was cuddling with her and eventually they both fell asleep on the couch. I couldn't resist to take this cute photo of both of them....aren't they the cutest??!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

We've got Watermelons!!!!

Yes, that is a real life watermelon growing on our yard!!!

This vision all started with our neighbor Jen who thought it would be fun for the kids to grow watermelons and pumpkins....since Pete and I are 'challenged' when it comes to gardening, we volunteered our house instead. The kids had to make sure our soil was nice and moist so they can plant the seeds....obviously, they had tons of fun getting wet and muddy!! Once the soil was ready Jen assisted the kids in planting mini-watermelons and pumpkins.

Bella and her pal Kane watered the watermelon and pumpkin garden for weeks. Yup, we've got watermelons!! The pumpkins are not quite ready to show off stay tuned!!

At this time, there are about 5 watermelons sprouting.

Pete and Bella posing with another melon....we are so fascinated by the garden!!

Tooth Fairy

Well folks after much anticipation, Bella finally has lost her first tooth (July 30th)!!! Bella has been so excited about this day for months, so it was a BIG deal in our house. Pete was very cute about the whole thing and told Isabella that he called the tooth that evening we left a window open 'to let the tooth fairy in our house' and Bella received $5 for her tooth!! Look at those chompers....brilliant!!!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Loose Tooth

My sweet Bella has been bummed out for months now because she was the only person in her kindergarten class and daycare without any loose or missing teeth. Well I am proud to announce that not only does Isabella have a loose tooth but it's hanging by a thread!!! Bella is so excited, it is all she talks about. Why my daughter wants missing teeth is beyond me but I guess that is part of growing up!!

July 4th!!

Happy 4th of July!!! We had a semi-block party with our neighbors and tons of kids. Pete BBQ'd and set off the fireworkds without burning himself or anyone else (thank goodness)!!

Bella enjoying strawberry cheesecake....

Bella playing with sparklers!

Bella and her best pal Kane (our neighbors)....

Hi Baby!

I can honestly say that I was VERY surprised and shocked when I found out that I was expecting another child but with the support from Pete and Bella, my fears have disappeared!! My first concern was Isabella and how she would take the news but when telling her that she was going to be a big sister, she started crying and said "I'm so happy" with those words my concerns were gone. I am so proud and grateful that we have such a great kid!!

So here is our first baby picture....does it look like a boy or girl???

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bella is a BIG SISTER!

This was very unexpected for me and Pete but nothing ever is as planned....we're pregnant! As some of you know, I was happy with our 'little family' and Bella seem to like being the only child!! Needless to say, there is no turning back!!

My baby Bella is a big sister sweet!