Tuesday, August 3, 2010

We've got Watermelons!!!!

Yes, that is a real life watermelon growing on our yard!!!

This vision all started with our neighbor Jen who thought it would be fun for the kids to grow watermelons and pumpkins....since Pete and I are 'challenged' when it comes to gardening, we volunteered our house instead. The kids had to make sure our soil was nice and moist so they can plant the seeds....obviously, they had tons of fun getting wet and muddy!! Once the soil was ready Jen assisted the kids in planting mini-watermelons and pumpkins.

Bella and her pal Kane watered the watermelon and pumpkin garden for weeks. Yup, we've got watermelons!! The pumpkins are not quite ready to show off yet....so stay tuned!!

At this time, there are about 5 watermelons sprouting.

Pete and Bella posing with another melon....we are so fascinated by the garden!!

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