Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Welcome Olivia!!

Yay...Olivia's here!!!!

So I've been pretty bad about posting anything on the blog about Olivia but it has been a whirlwind juggling two kids (three kids, including Pete...he..he..he!) and dealing with every day life....I guess I assumed everything around us would stop because we had a baby!!!

Well this past Christmas is definitely going down as the craziest and best Christmas ever!!! The holiday started off with hauling Isabella to grandma's house and Pete rushing me to the ER on Christmas Eve, to discover my contractions were a false alarm. Then waking up Christmas day to a calm morning, waiting for family to come over to watch the Laker game and enjoying being with family. Well all of that happened but within an hour of the Laker game my water bag broke and I was rushed back to the hospital.....needless to say, there was no false alarm and Olivia joined our family at 11:33pm!!! Which will now be the second best day of my life (first best day is March 15th of course).....

When holding Olivia for the first time, I never thought I could love another little person (I was very scared that I only had enough love for Bella) but my mom was right, your heart just grows....and boy has it grown!! I love my little Olivia and I thank god everyday for our little blessing....

Olivia Cuellar Bergman - Born 12.25.10; 11:33pm; 7lbs. 1 oz.; 18 1/2 inches long

This picture was taken right before Olivia was born....Merry Christmas to us!!!!

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