Friday, July 30, 2010

Loose Tooth

My sweet Bella has been bummed out for months now because she was the only person in her kindergarten class and daycare without any loose or missing teeth. Well I am proud to announce that not only does Isabella have a loose tooth but it's hanging by a thread!!! Bella is so excited, it is all she talks about. Why my daughter wants missing teeth is beyond me but I guess that is part of growing up!!

July 4th!!

Happy 4th of July!!! We had a semi-block party with our neighbors and tons of kids. Pete BBQ'd and set off the fireworkds without burning himself or anyone else (thank goodness)!!

Bella enjoying strawberry cheesecake....

Bella playing with sparklers!

Bella and her best pal Kane (our neighbors)....

Hi Baby!

I can honestly say that I was VERY surprised and shocked when I found out that I was expecting another child but with the support from Pete and Bella, my fears have disappeared!! My first concern was Isabella and how she would take the news but when telling her that she was going to be a big sister, she started crying and said "I'm so happy" with those words my concerns were gone. I am so proud and grateful that we have such a great kid!!

So here is our first baby picture....does it look like a boy or girl???